Use TNT LIST to sell goods and services instantly & easily

It's free to join TNT List. There is no subscription required or fees to list your services. You keep 100% of each transaction but only pay a 4% service fee per withdrawal transaction.

It’s up to you! You can offer anything tangible (good or service), as long as it's legal and complies with our terms. There are over 60 categories you can browse to get ideas.

How much do you want to make? It’s all up to you and the value you’re offering. This can be fulltime as sellers can work on TNT List full time whilst others can hold onto their full-time jobs while using TNT List as a secondary income earner.

It's very flexible. You need to put in a little time and effort in the beginning to learn the marketplace and then you can decide for yourself the amount of work you want to do.

This is totally up to you, you can price your item or service at an appropriate price that will generate you orders. However, Credit Card and other regulatory stipulations can inhibit the amount you can receive in a single transaction.

Once you complete a buyer's order and the buyer confirms, the money is transferred to your account. No need to chase clients for payments and wait 30 days for a cheque.

You can withdraw from your account by going to your Wallet and entering the amount you want to withdraw. The current withdrawal option is Bank Transfer.

If your business is registered this is not a problem. TNT List.com can provide you with additional customers. Additionally, you can process your sales with your existing customer base.

Currently sellers can withdraw to Trinidad and Tobago bank accounts. These are First Citizens Bank, Scotiabank Ltd, RBC Royal Bank Ltd , Citibank Trinidad , JMMB (Trinidad & Tobago), Republic Bank Ltd, Central Bank, Bank of Baroda, First Caribbean Bank.

Once you request a withdrawal it takes five (5) days before your money is deposited to your account.

To ensure you receive full Seller’s protection, you must submit all communication on TNT List.com to validate order processing. Communication via third party methods may impact the level of protection you receive.

The buyer usually pays for delivery, unless a Seller accepts this cost and offers free delivery.

When creating a service if delivery is required, ensure a question is added to your service for any delivery information needed e.g. delivery address.

It’s absolutely free to list as many services and / or products that you want on TNT List.com.

1. A buyer buys your service / product on TNT LIST.com via credit card or from their wallet. 2. You’ll receive an email notification that an order has been placed. 3. You prepare the product/service and deliver it to the buyer. 4. Using TNT List.com’s delivery system, you mark the order as delivered ensuring you submit proof of delivery. 5. The buyer confirms receipt of delivery on TNT List.com. 6. The cost of the service (s)/ product (s) is transferred to your wallet. 7. You withdraw from your wallet to your local bank account.

Use TNT LIST to buy goods and services instantly & easily

Use TNT List’s search now menu to find the good or service that you require. Once you've found a service you like, click Go to service button and then click Order Now.

You can check the seller’s Service details or review feedback from previous buyers.

You can pay with Credit Card (Visa & MasterCard) or with SurePay.

You should always contact the Seller first to let them know what issue you’re having. Any additional issues can be resolved through our Support Resolution Centre.

Verified sellers are Sellers who have provided proof of identity of business or Seller to TNT LIST LTD and these documents have passed our internal validation.

A Seller’s rating is a demonstration of a Seller’s capability to satisfy various criteria that maintain Seller strength. There are 4 Seller ratings new Seller, Safe Seller, Hot Seller and Best Seller.

It’s against our Terms of Agreement to make payments directly to Sellers and not through the marketplace. Such behaviour is strongly prohibited and you should report it immediately to support@tntlist.com indicating the seller name and your user name. Placing payments for goods and services on TNT List.com ensures the marketplace provides both buyers and Sellers with additional security, transparency and audit trail.

SurePay Online is operated by Massy Technologies InfoCom ( Trinidad) Ltd. • A secure facility to pay for your TNT List order • No credit card, no issue, pay with cash or debit card • You have full control over the amount you pay • One easy payment process • It's a dedicated service so it's really convenient and easy to use.